“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”  Genesis 2:16-17
God created man in His own image after His likeness so He could communicate and have fellowship with man. For this communication and the fellowship to continue forever between them, He commanded the man that he can do whatever he pleased in his garden but only not to touch a particular tree called “tree of the Knowledge of good and evil” Otherwise the day he touches that particular tree, the Spirit of God which allows them to commune and had fellowship will leave him, he will become empty and the result will be spiritual death. Unfortunately for man, satan who has also rebel from Heaven and has been thrown down to earth came to deceived man to touch that which God has commanded him not to touch and that brought about sin and death. So man fell from spiritual to physical, he became naked and afraid of God to the extent that he hid himself from God and could no long have fellowship with Him.

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 Genesis 3:9-10
“And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, ‘’where art thou?’’ And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked: and I hid myself”
How did this happen? How did man become afraid of God? How did man become ashamed of his nakedness? The answer is that sin has set it!"
Genesis 3:11
"God had to ask man, “Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat," 
Man failed to obey God’s command recorded in Genesis 2:16-17. Man did not understand the reasons for God’s commands he decided to act in another way that he thought was better. God’s words are for our own benefit, although, we may not understand the reasons and the secret behind what he says. Anyone who believes in God will perfectly obey Him whether he understands or not what He says. Men will obey him simply because He created His world and knows the rules and regulations that govern all creation. Ours is to obey His word and move forward.


Man lost fellowship and right standing with God, this was spiritual death.
After the fall of man, when he ate the tree, the spirit of sin and death set in.

Romans 5:12
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
This brought both spiritual and physical death. Man became mortal and was doomed to die".
Man took on the nature of the devil. He became sinful, suddenly became rebellious towards God Man lost his life and received hatred and revenge. He lost his faith and received unbelief. Man also lost his rest, peace and joy.
Man became a servant to the devil and a slave to sin (Romans 6:6). Man became carnal. After the fall, man was not able to understand God because spiritually he was corrupted and could no longer speak the language of God. He was now accustomed to the language of the devil who deceived him. Man lost his spiritual understanding.

                                                     THEN CAME SALVATION
God restored man back to his original position through shedding the blood of His son Jesus Christ.

Matthew 1:21
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Jesus Christ was sent purposely to die to save His people from their sins. He came because we cannot save ourselves from sin and its penalties. No matter how good we are, we cannot take away the sinful nature in us. Only Jesus can do that, and he did not come to help people to save themselves, but He came to be our savior from the powers and consequences of sin. Praise Jesus Christ for his death on the cross of Calvary for your sin and ask Him to take charge over your life.

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John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
God made provision for salvation of the world after the fall of man. He loved His children so much that He did not want to lose the people He created to Satan. So He sent His only begotten son to the world that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
Eternal life (everlasting life) is the life of God and you can only obtain it when you believe and accept His only begotten son. Eternal life is God’s life embodied in Jesus given to all believers as a guarantee that we shall live forever.  In eternal life, there is no death, no sickness, no enemy, no evil nor sin. People, who don’t know Christ, make decisions as though this life is all we have. Life here on earth is just an introduction to eternity, and so we are to receive this life of God by faith in Christ.
Believing in Christ Jesus also means putting your trust and confidence in Him completely from the bottom of your heart that He alone is able to save you. It is to put Christ in charge of your life together with your eternal destiny. If you have never trusted in Him before, I charge you to start now, for He is reliable. He is able and there is nothing that He cannot do. He can do everything out of love.
God’s love is not self-centered, and is for everyone. Indeed He first showed us this true love at creation when He molded us in His image and likeness and gave us dominion over all things. When you love somebody dearly, you are willing to give out freely to the point of sacrificing your life. So God gave us the life of His son as a higher form of sacrifice and atonement after our fall to wipe away all our sins. This act of love by God has given us a new life.