How To Honour God With Your Wealth
How To Honour God With Your Wealth
How to honour God with your wealth
Honour means: To place value or show great respect to somebody.
So to honour God:
Is to value Him highly and to show Him great respect.
Is to value Him highly and to show Him great respect.
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:9 ” Honour the LORD with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.”
Which means we are to give God our first and the best of our harvest, substance or money and even time.
We don’t have to give God the leftovers, meaning don’t pay all your bills and others things before you give God His portion.
When you do that it means you’re not being fair to God and you’re not obeying His word.
God want you to know that He is the first before everything. If God says He want the first and best of your substance, He is right because He is the creator and everything belongs to Him. We are answerable and accountable to Him
Don’t place God at the second or third position, it’s a very big mistake! He is the first in all things. When you successfully place God at the second or third position, it shows how disrespectful you have become. May it be far from you!
When we give to God, it helps us to overcome or do away with greed, covetousness, pride, unselfishness cheating, deceitfulness and lying. We are only a care takers of His creation.
Do you remember the account of Mary who anointed Jesus with perfume in John 12 ?
That oil was very expensive, the amount Mary used worth a year wages. She worked for a whole year, saved her substance for Jesus.
How much do you plan to give to God within a month or a year?
Jesus praised Mary for her act of worship and unselfishness.
The reason for her worship was to show how valuable Jesus is for deliver her from death and destruction. Mary appreciated Jesus for her salvation.
How often do we show appreciation to LORD for our salvation and deliverance?
We are to worship and honour the LORD with our wealth because He is good.
Finally, beloved! let’s regard the LORD as the most important and precious being in our lives by respecting Him, loving Him, value Him, and devoted to Him.
The LORD bless and keep you safe forever and ever. Amen!!!